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21 results based on your search

Resource Center

Creating Conditions for Positive Student Behavior Resource Center

Use the student behavior resource center to enhance your existing behavior management approach or identify new practices to help students thrive.
District Leadership Forum
Research Report

The Impacts of Screen Time on K-12 Students

This report presents research findings and recommendations pertaining to the impacts of screen time on K-12 students, both at school and at home.
District Leadership Forum
Research Report

Responding to the Vaping Crisis

Explore prevention and intervention tactics designed to reduce student vaping, aligned with public health expert recommendations.
District Leadership Forum
Research Report

Wellness Curriculum Topics and Considerations

EAB reviewed literature on six areas related to student wellness at independent schools to uncover ideal content and teaching and learning strategies for each wellness topic.
Independent School Executive Forum
Research Report

Building A Better Behavior Management Strategy for Students and Teachers

This executive brief includes key findings from EAB's nationwide survey on the pandemic's impacts on student behavior. The bottom line? Educators nationwide agree that student behavioral concerns have gotten even…
District Leadership Forum

Exploring the behaviors and actions that promote racial justice in K-12

Learn about each of the seven hallmarks of an anti-racist K-12 institution through the lives of four BIPOC community members in this blog.
K-12 District Leadership Blog
Research Report

3 language mistakes to avoid in your institution’s DEIJ plans

As institutional leaders develop diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) strategic plans, it’s important for them to consider how they frame their priorities and commitments. EAB reviewed over 40 DEI plans…
Strategic Advisory Services
Research Report

Preventing and Addressing Cyberbullying in K-12 Schools

Research indicates effective cyberbullying policies include a definition, communication plan, training and preventive education, response procedures, and counseling referrals for students involved in the incident and their families. Through exploring…
District Leadership Forum

Guide for Mental Health Management in K-12 Schools

K-12 district leaders are expecting to see a continued surge in the number of students requiring additional support for their mental health. The ten strategies in this toolkit provide district…
District Leadership Forum

Meet the Unprecedented Demand for Mental Health Care in Schools

This year, K-12 schools are expecting to see a surge in the number of students and staff requiring additional support for their mental health care. Follow the steps in this…
District Leadership Forum