Building an Anti-Burnout Workplace Culture in Academic Affairs: On-Demand Materials

Building an Anti-Burnout Workplace Culture in Academic Affairs: On-Demand Materials

Explore the materials from this two-part series on ‘Building an Anti-Burnout Workplace Culture in Academic Affairs,’ which convened academic leaders in virtual forums to discuss the long-term strategic importance of bolstering support and fulfilling their role as an academic leader that builds a workplace that actively combats burnout.

Faculty burnout is not a new phenomenon in higher education. But, across the pandemic, additional stressors and challenges augmented many faculty pain points that already existed pre-pandemic, further exacerbating burnout. This has created new urgency among academic leaders to recognize that burnout is a workplace problem and that they have a unique role to play in ensuring that the academic affairs environment is one that actively promotes well-being and combats burnout.

This two-part series on ‘Building an Anti-Burnout Workplace Culture in Academic Affairs’ convened academic leaders in virtual forums to discuss the long-term strategic importance of bolstering support and fulfilling their role as an academic leader that builds a workplace that actively combats burnout.

Explore the past events below to access the presentation slides, on-demand recordings, and supplemental materials.

Session 1: Faculty Burnout—A Workplace Problem, Not a Worker Problem

February 21, 2023

This session previews the growing imperative to combat burnout as a workplace problem and highlights the six major drivers of burnout and how they appear in academic affairs. Partners shared their experiences with faculty burnout, lessons learned, and strategies for combating burnout on their campuses.

Access the resources from this session:

Watch the on-demand recording on our YouTube channel.

Session 2: The Critical Role of Well-Being in Tackling Faculty Burnout

March 7, 2023

This session shares implementation tactics and strategies for academic leaders to use in their role to begin addressing faculty burnout on campus. Advice is provided across four major areas:

  • Promoting well-being as a divisional leader
  • Enhancing efforts to gauge faculty needs
  • Upskilling deans and chairs to better support emerging needs
  • Equipping colleagues to foster a culture of care

Watch the on-demand recording on our YouTube channel.