
Building a Financially Resilient University: How to Navigate an Industry in Flux

Join this webinar to learn about the three must-dos for building a financially resilient institution.



Managing Director, Research
Today’s combination of enrollment declines, tuition reductions, inflation, and escalating wages has collectively strained higher ed budgets. Even colleges and universities in favorable financial positions are proactively seeking ways to become lean, financially resilient institutions. However, most cost containment efforts tend to be haphazard with large savings targets, forcing leaders to de-prioritize any long-term needs that help create sustainability.

Join EAB expert Ann Forman Lippens to learn about the three must-dos for building a financially resilient institution. Participants will learn about:

• Adapting conventional business wisdom to higher ed’s reality
• Improving core business operations to centralize administrative costs
• Cultivating faculty and staff support for cost savings initiatives