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Increase principal capacity by expanding teacher leadership: Lessons from Denver Public Schools

The principal role has become increasingly demanding in recent years, but with the outbreak of COVID-19, the job has only grown in complexity and difficulty. Some districts have successfully embraced…
K-12 District Leadership Blog

Press Releases

See the latest press releases from EAB.

Future-Focused Scenario Planning

To move above transactional tasks and think strategically, cabinet members need to get above their day-to-day and develop new strategic thinking skills. Use multiple potential futures to think outside the…
Research Report

How to Create an Internationalization and Global Partnerships Strategy

Learn about the growing complexity of creating internationalization and global partnerships strategy and a more centralized and prioritized approach.
Strategic Advisory Services

3 ways to engage admitted students on social media

As colleges grow their applicant pools, it can be harder for admissions teams to remain responsive to incoming students and their parents. Social media can be a low-resource tool for…
Enrollment Blog
Research Report

Research funding deficits lead to fewer research grants, but not fewer PhD grads

As research funding deficits lead to fewer research grants, the PhD graduate rate continues to increase. Continue reading for more on the new reality for doctoral degree holders.
Strategic Advisory Services

Online Education 101: Myths, Administrative Organization, and Common Terms

Prior to launching online and hybrid programs and courses, all relevant stakeholders from skeptical board members to resistant faculty must understand the market and opportunities and limitations of the modalities.
Strategic Advisory Services

3 Questions—and Insights—About Standardized Tests’ Place in MBA Admissions

Across hundreds of conversations with our partners about MBA programs, one of the thorniest topics has been standardized test scores – nearly always the GMAT but occasionally the GRE –…
Adult Education Blog
Research Report

Effective English Language Arts Operations and Programming

New state standards require new skills from students, leaving many teachers with outdated teaching practices that do not directly address standards. Compare your operations to districts that have scored highly…
District Leadership Forum

This tool helps maximize program marketing dollars. Here’s how it works.

Not all programs require the same marketing dollars. Here's how to spend smart.
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services