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Research Report

Competing on Student Outcomes to Attract Today’s Career Changer Study

Program-focused marketing messages are no longer sufficient to attract prospective students to professional, adult, and online education programs. This study demonstrates how outcomes marketing can capture the attention and enrollment…
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services
Research Report

Choosing the right undergraduate programs for revitalization

As colleges and universities are scrambling for opportunities to cut costs and grow revenues, academic leadership can’t afford limited information for making significant decisions. Internal data can evaluate how programs…
Strategic Advisory Services

Develop Outcomes-Focused Recruitment Messages for Adult Learners

Distinct from first-time students, continuing education units need to develop outcomes-focused recruitment messages for adult learner recruitment.
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services

Launching a first-of-its-kind online program? Use these two strategies.

Even before the pandemic, enrollment in online graduate programs was increasing 6.7% on average annually. And during the COVID-19, enrollment in online graduate programs has surged, increasing 63% from 2019…
Adult Education Blog
Research Report

How higher ed can adapt to the changing MBA landscape

We’ve taken a critical look at the MBA programs succeeding in today’s difficult market to identify the most important program design decisions. From your admission requirements to program curriculum, learn…
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services

Why “becoming strategic leaders” should be at the top of every cabinet’s to-do list

Shorter presidential tenures, a rise in no-confidence votes, and increasing public scrutiny of the sector as a whole has placed community college presidents under a microscope that many fear directly…

Embrace AI to solve old campus problems in new ways

Despite the growing buzz around possible applications of artificial intelligence (AI), creative adoption in higher ed still lags. Learn how your peers are using a problem-first approach to investment and…
Research Report

The High-Efficiency HR Department

This study outlines 12 best practices to increase staff productivity and capacity by optimizing department operations and refocusing staff on higher-level work.
Strategic Advisory Services

How 3 colleges and universities are leveraging peer support to better meet mental health demand next year

While the pandemic has accelerated the urgency to enhance mental health support, it has also presented a unique opportunity to meet student needs through peer support programs. Here are how…
Student Success Blog