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327 results based on your search

Research Report

Shifting the Balance from Reactive to Preventive Maintenance Study

Preventive maintenance (PM) offers a clear and compelling return on investment: One organization found that for every $1 invested in PM, institutions save $2.73 in future reactive needs. To help…
Strategic Advisory Services

2022 Roundtable for Senior Facilities Officers

EAB convened senior higher ed Facilities leaders for in-person executive roundtables to discuss how transformational change can be sustained in the coming year.

Higher Ed Podcast | Office Hours with EAB

A new podcast from EAB experts to share ideas, insight, and inspiration with higher ed leaders.
Partner Story

Student Success Case Study Compendium

Learn why Navigate360 is the trusted partner for institutions of all shapes and sizes as they advance their student engagement and success efforts.

Data and Analytics Blog

The Data and Analytics Blog is your hub for all things technology and data strategy. On this blog, higher ed leaders can explore insights and original research from EAB industry…

In the News

See recent news featuring EAB.

Pipeline Development in the Donor Investor Era

Many advancement leaders are finding that too often future major gift prospects go overlooked by frontline teams, which undermines long-term revenue goals. Watch this webinar for strategies to elevate the…