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1,290 results based on your search

Partner Story

Growing College of Pharmacy Enrollment 27% Through an Integrated, Personalized Marketing Strategy

Many pharmacy schools nationwide are experiencing dramatic declines in student enrollment, plus increased competition in nearby areas. Learn how one school partnered with EAB to introduce a more personalized and…

3 best practices for your college website

In my conversations with our university partners, I often refer to the .edu as the “front door” of the institution. We know that students are often interacting with your institution…
Adult Education Blog

Contextualizing Your Enrollment Performance: A Look at the Current Cycle

During this 30-minute session, EAB enrollment expert, Ian Watt, will share both global and illustrative examples to help you contextualize your current performance.

Quantifying How Influence Channels Drive Enrollment

Please join us to find out how big of an impact these channels could have for your institution's digital recruitment efforts.
Insight Paper

Supporting Gen P: Understanding the Next Generation of Community College Learners

We’ve uncovered six distinguishing traits of prospective community college students that can help leaders understand how to best support Gen P.
Research Report

Understanding Your Future Adult Learner

To help our partners recruit and serve their future adult learners, EAB surveyed more than 2,000 current and prospective adult, graduate, online, and professional students about the impact of the…
Adult Learner Recruitment

Future-Focused Scenario Planning

To move above transactional tasks and think strategically, cabinet members need to get above their day-to-day and develop new strategic thinking skills. Use multiple potential futures to think outside the…

What the experience of today’s first-year students can teach us about recruitment

Review the results of EAB’s latest First-Year-Experience Survey, in which we asked over 12,500 current first-year students about their college search and experiences on campus thus far.
Enrollment Blog

How to navigate ‘The Great Opt-Out’ in higher ed

The higher education landscape is still undergoing a transformative shift, with an increasing number of students now opting out of college entirely.
Enrollment Blog