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Insight Paper

Five greatest mistakes in higher education COVID-19 strategy

The decisions that colleges and universities make across the next few months will determine the extent of the financial shock and whether the institution is positioned not only to recover,…

Higher Ed Podcast | Office Hours with EAB

A new podcast from EAB experts to share ideas, insight, and inspiration with higher ed leaders.

2022 Roundtable for Senior Facilities Officers

EAB convened senior higher ed Facilities leaders for in-person executive roundtables to discuss how transformational change can be sustained in the coming year.

Coronavirus Outbreak’s Impacts on U.S. Employer Demand

While the total impact on our economy will take months to unfold, EAB is providing initial analyses of regional labor market data to inform program planning conversations.​ Consider this early…
Research Report

Transforming the First-Generation College Student Experience

This study will help you identify areas where you can better support the first-generation students on your campus.
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Enrollment Services Case Study Compendium

Explore our Enrollment Services case studies to learn more about the schools that achieved success by partnering with EAB. Discover a range of best practices for improving recruitment marketing, enrollment…