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Insight Paper

The Student Success Strategy Playbook

American higher education has enjoyed a multidecade-long enrollment expansion that may soon come to an end. The recommendations in this report aim to help you and your leadership team reshape…

5 reasons not to neglect current high school juniors during yield season

In a typical spring, enrollment management teams have a laser-sharp focus on engaging admitted students. That has been even more pronounced in “unprecedented” years, such as the one we’re in…
Enrollment Blog
Research Report

Executive Guide to Certificate Market Risks and Opportunities

This report details the market trends that make it difficult for certificate enrollments to take off and profiles six successful certificate programs designed specifically to reach underserved markets, advance regional…
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services

14 Metrics for Adaptive Course Planning

Despite completing the course planning process for every term each year, at most institutions, the course schedule is seemingly never fine-tuned enough to support student demand. Explore this infographic to…
Academic Performance Solutions

Test-optional policies: Where we've been and what's next

How have test-optional policies have evolved since the outset of the pandemic, and what is likely to happen next?
Enrollment Blog

Are you prepared to recruit ‘Gen P’?

Here are three key insights for enrollment leaders about recruiting this new generation of students.
Enrollment Blog

Key takeaways from government guidance on SCOTUS’s affirmative action ruling

The Department of Education finally issued its eagerly anticipated follow-up guidance on the Supreme Court’s SFFA ruling in September. Did it deliver on enrollment leaders’ hopes and expectations? The answer…
Enrollment Blog

Here’s how to think about ROI from your marketing investments

See common questions (and answers) for measuring and analyzing the impact of marketing investments for recruiting and enrolling graduate students.
Adult Education Blog

Video roundtable: Transforming student success at small schools

Two small-enrollment institutions discuss their experiences working with EAB to implement new technology, gain buy-in, and improve outcomes.

How to find high-achieving rural students outside your normal pipeline

To identify rural students with the skills to succeed in higher education, enrollment leaders should to consider Career and Technical Student Organizations.