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The 50 most in-demand skills for graduates of your master's programs

We know that graduate students often enroll to gain the skills and knowledge necessary for bigger and better professional opportunities. But which skills do employers seek most frequently, and which…
Adult Education Blog
Research Report

Three ways to support campus well-being as a university leader

Mental health has consistently topped the list of university leader concerns through the pandemic. ACE surveyed university leaders on multiple occasions across the last year, and each time, mental health…
Professional and Academic Services Forum

How to Boost Graduate Enrollment

EAB experts discuss the best digital channels and strategies for finding, engaging, and enrolling more students to grow your graduate programs.

How to find the growth drivers in your graduate and adult education portfolio

Learn how to identify which academic programs in your portfolio have the greatest potential for growth.
Adult Education Blog

What community colleges need to know about the students of the pandemic

As we turn our eyes towards 2021, here are four things community college leaders must keep top-of-mind to serve students.

4 district pitfalls to avoid when preparing students for postsecondary success

The COVID-19 pandemic has made the path to college even more complicated, especially for underserved students. This expert insight shares four common missteps district leaders should avoid to ensure all…
K-12 District Leadership Blog

7 fast facts about education equity gaps

Despite significant investment in broad student success initiatives, demographic disparities in graduation rates and career outcomes continue to persist.

5 areas for community colleges leaders to take stock in 2023

After weathering the storm of the pandemic, it's time for community colleges to begin shifting mindsets from “crisis” to sustainability. Read about five areas to take stock of where you…
Student Success Blog
Resource Center

Higher Education Professional Development Resource Center

During this time, as several in-person conferences cancel or delay and staff are remote, it is more critical than ever to provide opportunities for flexible staff engagement and professional development.…
Research Report

Development of Facilities Master Plans

This report explores the process of creating and implementing facilities master plans at public school districts, including the prioritization processes and funding mechanisms employed by profiled districts.