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14 results based on your search


Optimize K-12 Programming for Today’s Parents

Today’s parents have changed, but independent schools have not, leading to key misalignments between schools and their customers. Explore resources that will allow schools to bridge that gap by developing…
Independent School Executive Forum

Changing parents means new expectations for independent schools

EAB’s new approach for independent school parents includes rethinking which parents they invest the most time with and how they serve them. In doing so, schools can develop lasting partnerships…
K-12 District Leadership Blog

How to help your youngest students talk about and navigate differences

Read about how the School for Children has created a specific racial justice and advocacy curriculum.
K-12 District Leadership Blog

Exploring the behaviors and actions that promote racial justice in K-12

Learn about each of the seven hallmarks of an anti-racist K-12 institution through the lives of four BIPOC community members in this blog.
K-12 District Leadership Blog

Whether Helicopter, Snowplow, or Drone, Intensive Parenting Is Here to Stay

For heads of independent schools, intensive parenting has resulted in changing parent expectations and greater demands, which often require more resources from the school to satisfy.
K-12 District Leadership Blog

Promote a Culture of Civility on Independent School Campuses

Heads of school are increasingly being asked to respond to incivility in the classroom and events off campus. Discover five steps independent schools can follow to reduce tension, address flashpoints,…
Independent School Executive Forum

How school and district leaders can address systemic racism with their communities

Many school and district leaders are lost on how they should begin to engage their greater school communities to address systemic racism. Review EAB’s answers to five questions school and…

Independent School Student and Family Retention Strategies Compendium

In order to retain enrollments amid the COVID-19 pandemic, independent schools will need to be clear about what they can provide to students and families outside of face-to-face learning. To…

How connecting with families now supports retention for fall 2020

For independent schools, it is critically important to engage families in conversations about their experience, concerns, and needs right now, as these discussions may impact their decision to re-enroll.

Case Study Compendium of Campus Flashpoints

This resource is comprised of exercises to prepare heads of school and their leadership team for how to respond to incivility in the classroom.