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Campus Sustainability Plan Review

The sustainability plan is an institution’s essential roadmap for achieving its long-term sustainability goals. It reports the current state of sustainability initiatives on campus, showcases the many stakeholders involved in sustainability, and signals an institution’s commitment towards forward progress. Sustainability plans not only organize existing sustainability efforts on campus but catalyze the formation and design of new sustainability goals and initiatives. They form the central sustainability strategy that every institution that is serious about sustainability needs.

Areas that the plan review examines

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    Choose one goal/focus area (e.g., purchasing, transportation, healthy & well-being, or waste) and learn how your institution’s goals and targets compare to peers and international trends.

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    Learn how to make your campus sustainability plan more actionable through better KPIs and improved accountability.

Institutions will receive a custom report within six weeks that details the campus sustainability plan’s strengths and opportunities for improvement. The report also includes links to sample peer plans and supporting research from EAB.

Fill out the form below with your sustainability plan’s website. If your plan is only in PDF form, please email it to your Strategic Leader.

How our work impacts partners

“EAB identified opportunities for improving our sustainability plan—most notably, the inclusion of underpinning action plans and KPIs. As a direct result of this audit, we’re going to ensure that goals are cascaded down to appropriate actionable action plans, and that ‘high level’ targets and KPI dashboards underpinning high-level objectives will be written into our new strategy.”

Sustainability Director
Public University