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Partner Service

Faculty and Staff Mental Health and Wellness Resources Website Audit

Improve the usefulness of your faculty and staff mental health resources webpage. This audit will help institutional leaders enhance their mental health and wellness resources webpage for faculty and staff by providing an individual audit and custom report with actionable recommendations.

The mental health and wellness of employees has recently emerged as a top institutional concern. For years, higher ed institutions have focused on student mental health, but with increased pressures from COVID-19, faculty and staff are facing unprecedented personal and professional challenges.

Colleges and universities, now more than ever, have a key opportunity and role to support faculty and staff in maintaining their own mental health and wellness. EAB’s Faculty and Staff Mental Health and Wellness Resources Website Audit will help partners strengthen their website to better serve faculty and staff needs.

What will we audit?

This audit examines the following areas:
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    Availability of information

    Webpages should clearly convey key information needed by faculty and staff.

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    Ease of navigation

    Webpages are easy to navigate when users can access them in a quick and intuitive manner.

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    Accessible resources are easy to access for all faculty and staff.

An EAB researcher will conduct the audit and send you a customized report with recommendations to improve your website in two to three weeks. To sign up for the website audit, please fill out the form below.