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Insight Paper

2024 Parent Survey: Understanding Top Parent Concerns in College Search

Download this insight paper to learn about the shifting priorities and top parent concerns in college search.
Insight Paper

Understanding Community College Practitioners’ Perspectives on Student Customer Service

EAB's new insight paper details perceptions from 160+ community college practitioners of student customer service practices and how they impact enrollment and retention.
Insight Paper

Student Priorities and Preferences in a New Era of Graduate and Adult Education

Discover three insights to help you adapt your recruitment strategies to the shifting behavior and preferences of graduate and adult learners.
Adult Learner Recruitment
Insight Paper

Ahead of the Curve: Navigating 10 Key Imperatives for Community Colleges Across the Next Decade

Unlock insights and resources on key imperatives for community colleges such as evolving higher ed perceptions and student expectations.
Insight Paper

Student Customer Service Perceptions Among Higher Ed Practitioners

EAB surveyed 95 student success practitioners at four-year institutions to understand how student customer service experiences have changed.
Insight Paper

Benchmarking the Enrollment Office

Explore higher ed enrollment office performance benchmarks as well as trends and patterns shaping today's admissions practices.
Insight Paper

Set Your School Apart with a High-Impact Virtual Tour

Download our insight paper to read about the characteristics of a high-impact virtual tour and how to measure and maximize virtual tour impact across the funnel.
Virtual Tours
Insight Paper

5 Reasons Higher Ed Leaders Should Invest in Annual Giving Programs

Discover five reasons why presidents and executive leaders should reevaluate and reinvest in annual giving programs.
Advancement Marketing Services
Insight Paper

Targeted Yield-Performance Turnarounds

This report focuses selectively on approaches that meet the following three criteria: they substantially improve yield performance; they act primarily on the yield phase, as opposed to other funnel stages;…
Insight Paper

The State of Graduate Enrollment Management

Despite the uncertainties of the pandemic, graduate enrollment increased at its fastest rates in nearly a decade during 2020 and 2021, outpacing industry projections. But with this opportunity also came…
Adult Learner Recruitment