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Insight Paper

AI for Graduate and Adult Education Enrollment Leaders

This insight paper provides an overview of how the new AI impacts enrollment operations for graduate, online, and adult education programs.
Adult Learner Recruitment
Insight Paper

Find and re-recruit stopouts

College leaders universally agree that finding former students presents the greatest challenge to their attempts to serve stopouts. Take action and learn how to find, and re-recruit, stopouts from your…
Insight Paper

Navigating the Recovery

Read EAB's white paper for our recommendations on how to respond to three pandemic ripple effects: the long-term impact of unfinished K-12, high staff turnover, and student mental health.
Insight Paper

Six Drivers Shaping the Future of Student Success

This report provides provosts and student success teams with an overview of six key forces that will shape the future of student success work.
Insight Paper

Why Students Pick the Schools They Do—and How to Boost Your Odds of Making the Cut

Download this paper to discover your school’s specific persona and what it means for your future strategy.
Insight Paper

Leading in a Complex Campus Technology Landscape

Check out our insight paper to discover four findings from EAB's 2023 survey of higher ed technology leaders.
Insight Paper

Mental Health’s Role in College Decision-Making

Our national survey of high school students sheds light on mental health's role in college decision-making and suggests six recruitment strategies.
Insight Paper

From Stress to Success: Survey Insights to Empower Graduate Enrollment Teams

This report compiles survey findings to provide university leaders with additional insight into the complex graduate enrollment landscape.
Adult Learner Recruitment
Insight Paper

Meet Your New Graduate and Adult Learner Insight Paper

This report explores four insights into graduate and adult learners’ behaviors, preferences, and priorities.
Adult Learner Recruitment
Insight Paper

Admissions office staffing in a volatile labor market

Admissions teams everywhere are facing historic personnel shortages and a corresponding threat to their enrollment outcomes. This white paper covers key factors driving the crisis as well as steps enrollment…