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Rapid Insight A Day in the Life Series: On-Demand Materials

The Day in the Life series is a practically driven walkthrough of the software. It assumes the context of data analysis for enrollment management, and is narrated in a stream…

DLF | EAB’s Nationwide Collaborative to Raise Teacher Morale

This guided program will walk participants through step-by-step implementation of a systematic process for raising teacher morale, based on best practices from leading organizations across multiple industries. EAB experts will…

Building a Sense of Belonging for Black and Latino Men: The 3 Relationships that Matter Most for College Success

This roundtable will help you understand three important relationships for Black and Latino male success and learn how to strengthen these relationships on campus.

Overcoming Historical and Systemic Barriers to Institutional Racism

Becoming an anti-racist institution involves conscious, active, and ongoing effort. In this webinar, participants will learn about the anti-racist behaviors and actions that span across unit and function to transform…

3 ways to combat the community college enrollment decline

Community colleges are facing steeper pandemic-era enrollment drops than any other higher education segment. Learn 3 ways community colleges can invest their resources to enroll more students and retain the…
Community College Blog

Tackle the three biggest challenges to your nursing program’s enrollment growth

Almost half of baccalaureate programs struggle to recruit faculty, and nursing programs at all levels struggle to secure clinical placements for their students, meaning your program likely faces significant barriers…
Adult Education Blog
Research Report

Cognitive biases that prevent real change on campus

Without general receptiveness to change, higher ed leaders are fighting an uphill battle to reap true transformation. Discover the most common cognitive biases that derail college leaders’ discussions, and decisions,…
Strategic Advisory Services

Where and when grant-funded interventions can increase student retention

This fellowship blog explores how grant programs can better support student retention and persistence to degree completion.
Strategy Blog

Centralizing noncredit enrollment management

This fellowship blog shares how the University of Wisconsin-Madison developed a business case and a model for centralized noncredit enrollments to benefit departments and noncredit learners.
Strategy Blog

Identifying factors that influence course success rates

This fellowship blog shares how Mississippi State University determined the factors that contribute to a student's academic performance in first-year courses.
Strategy Blog