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149 results based on your search


Course Planning Optimization (CPO) Intensive: Monitoring Fall 2023 Course Registration

In this session, participants will learn how to use the Course Planning Optimization (CPO) dashboard in the Academic Performance Solutions (APS) platform. Even if your institution has not yet opened…

University of Louisville Partner Profile: Strategies to Institutionalize Business Processes

The University of Louisville is a four-year metropolitan state-assisted R1 research institution in Kentucky. Join this session to learn the steps and strategies that University of Louisville leaders took to…

Elevate Data Literacy to Achieve Data-Informed Decision-Making in Higher Education

This toolkit is designed to help Academic Performance Solutions (APS) users, such as deans and department chairs, understand and build foundational skills for strong data literacy.
Academic Performance Solutions
Insight Paper

Sustaining Student-Centric Innovation

Living in the shadow of today’s consumer economy, higher education is on the hook for delivering seamless, personalized experiences while staying true to its educational mission. Across three sections, this…

APS Intensive: Make Data-Informed Faculty Line Planning Decisions for FY2022-23

Start the new year off right with APS! Join our APS Intensive to learn how to use data to understand faculty line needs to accommodate student demand in FY22-23. During…

3 challenges holding back your business intelligence efforts

Learn how your campus’s complicated technology infrastructure may be holding back strategic analytics efforts.

3 ways to improve data literacy on campus

To use data for decision-making, campus leaders must overcome obstacles to data literacy. See tested strategies from our partner schools to build and improve data literacy.

Leveraging Program Analytics to Support Institutional Goals

Watch this on-demand webconference for a look at the APS Program Analytics feature and learn how the new program-level data can support program portfolio management and annual department health check-ups.
Academic Performance Solutions

3 questions guiding fall term scenario planning for academic leaders

Explore 3 questions guiding fall semester 2020 scenario planning, and emerging trends in how colleges and universities are responding to the uncertainty.

Managing Departmental Costs

Watch the archived webinar to hear key findings from Academic Performance Solutions’ latest benchmarking data on the top drivers of instructional costs and trends in cost-per-student credit hour by department.