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Transfer Portal Office Hours: On-Demand Materials

Explore materials from past Transfer Portal Office Hours sessions.
Transfer Portal

Is Your School Doing Enough to Attract Transfers?

Learn why establishing articulation agreements with neighboring institutions is only the first step toward making your school a more attractive destination for transfer students.

Help faculty embrace transfer-friendly credit articulation

Discover three ways enrollment managers collaborate with faculty to better serve transfer students without a major overhaul of existing credit articulation and registration policies.

Four reasons you should focus on transfer students

Discover how enrollment managers are growing transfer enrollment by educating stakeholders on their unique value.

Transfer Portal Overview for Application Administrators

Introduction to the Transfer Portal application administrator role and overview of support resources. This session is best suited for application administrators.

3 ways community colleges should be communicating credit articulation agreements

While many community college students intend to transfer to four-year programs, few ultimately do, and even fewer graduate with a bachelor’s degree.
Research Report

Transfer Benchmarking Survey results

Compare transfer efforts to peer schools and identify areas for investment and growth with our benchmarking data, collected from the enrollment divisions at flagship and more selective institutions.

Transfer Portal

Facilitate the transfer process and boost transfer enrollment through best-in-class technology
Marketing and Enrollment