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94 results based on your search


Flashpoints Communications Playbook

Access tools to help colleges and universities strengthen external and internal communications before, during, and after a campus flashpoint.
Strategic Advisory Services

Legal Expert Art Coleman Examines the Affirmative Action Ruling

Legal expert Art Coleman outlines the shortcomings, contradictions, and ambiguities within the recent SCOTUS ruling on affirmative action in university admissions.

How Fly-Ins Impact Diversity in the Michigan Ross BBA Program

Representatives from College Greenlight and the University of Michigan talk about the role of fly-in programs and all-access weekends to attract more out-of-state students from underserved populations.


Research Report

Bring Barbershop Sessions to Campus

EAB analyzed sense of belonging data from the 2020 National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) and found Black and Latino students, particularly men, struggle to find a sense of community…
Strategic Advisory Services

The Right Way to Engage with Your Institutional Heritage

This resource provides step-by-step guidance to assist colleges and universities in their efforts towards institutional reckoning and healing.
Strategic Advisory Services

Hallmarks of an Antiracist Institution: The Behaviors and Actions that Promote Racial Justice in Education

The ongoing national conversation about the deadly impact of racism has created an urgency around the need for dramatic change at all levels of society.

Yielding the partnership pipeline

Many underrepresented minority students are inadequately prepared for higher education by high school graduation. This preparedness gap, which is greatly influenced by social inequities and other barriers, creates a pipeline…

Higher Ed is reaching a turning point in institutional reckoning

EAB has launched a research initiative to support higher education leaders in their efforts toward institutional reckoning and racial healing. Our early conversations have revealed important lessons for institutions considering…
Higher Education Strategy Blog
Research Report

3 Hiring Practices to Help Diversify Higher Education Faculty

As activists continue to call attention to the racial disparities in faculty demographics, institutional DEIJ plans increasingly include goals to recruit and retain BIPOC faculty. Most higher education institutions do…
Strategic Advisory Services