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Jessie Wurzer

Associate Director, Technology Partner Experience

As an Associate Director on the technology partner experience team, Jessie focuses on creating opportunities for Navigate and Starfish partners to share insights with one another and tap into the power of the Student Success Collaborative. She oversees and creates content for the Navigate and Starfish online user communities and newsletters, as well as webinars and specialty summits. She is also a principal contributor to the annual CONNECTED conference, EAB’s largest event.
Prior to her time at EAB, Jessie worked as a nonprofit program manager. She currently serves as a member of her alma mater’s Young Alumni Board. In her free time, Jessie enjoys traveling, yoga, taking Spanish lessons, and exploring the DC restaurant scene.
Area of Expertise
Student Success and Experience
Project Management, Process Improvement, Accountability and Assessment

Upcoming Events


Innovative Alerts and Care Units

As you gear up for the fall term, it's a great time to consider how expanding or enhancing your Coordinated Care Network could benefit your students. Join us to see examples of innovative Care Units and alerts, hear from St. Lawrence University on how they embedded student housing in their coordinated care, and brainstorm your next steps to create an even more powerful student success network across campus.