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Richard Dyer

Richard Dyer

Chief Legal Officer

Rich oversees both the Legal and Business Affairs and Information Security departments at EAB.  In his role, he manages the firm’s legal strategy, including, IP management, data privacy, commercial contracting, and employment matters. 

Prior to EAB’s spin-out in November 2017, Rich held a leading role in the legal department of The Advisory Board Company (Nasdaq: ABCO) focusing largely on the company’s growth strategy and corporate governance matters, including M&A, partnerships, and reporting compliance.  Prior to his time in-house, Rich worked for nearly a decade in private practice in Washington, D.C. for WilmerHale and O’Melveny & Myers as an M&A and corporate attorney. 

Rich lives in Bethesda, Maryland with his wife and two children.  He actively volunteers his time with special interest on early education matters, including, serving as Board chair for St. John’s Episcopal which is a Reggio-Emilia inspired program located in Washington, D.C. 

Area of Expertise
Strategy and Planning