Watch the on-demand Roundtable recording on our YouTube channel.
The arrival of COVID-19 turned everything we thought we knew about advancement on its head in the blink of an eye. The typical playbook suddenly became obsolete, forcing advancement shops to rapidly develop digital engagement and cultivation strategy. This presentation does a deep dive into how advancement’s response to the crisis could change the face of the industry for years to come.
"We’ve never encountered a topic that is as urgent as this one."
Dr. Fleming Puckett, Senior Director at EAB
One example of a tactic is to quickly qualify lower-tier donors to provide personalized attention and assess major gift capacity on a larger scale. Brandeis University has been able to get a handful of new donors per week in front of annual gift officers and freed up room in MGO portfolios with prospects who are ready for cultivation immediately.
This webinar provides guidance on mitigating the impact of budget cuts on ROI, filling next year’s proposal pipeline, mitigating risks within the most vulnerable part of the gift pyramid, and sustaining mindshare through innovative digital offerings.