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Four Ways to Strengthen Support for Basic Needs-Insecure Students On-Demand Webconference

Sunday, Dec 15, 2024

About the Webinar

More than one-third of students on campus are struggling with food or housing insecurity. Students cannot be expected to achieve academic success or personal wellness until their basic needs are met.

Food and housing insecurity have significant impacts on students’ academic performance and wellbeing, prompting growing recognition that institutions must do more to address these issues. Stories in the media that spotlight students struggling with hunger and homelessness spark questions and discussion from divisional staff, cabinet leaders, and presidents. Student affairs leaders often inform campus partners on a number of issues as they arise.

More on this topic

This resource is part of the Address Food and Housing Insecurity on Campus Roadmap. Access the Roadmap for stepwise guidance with additional tools and research.

Supporting food and housing security on campus should be a crucial priority, but presidents, provosts, board members, and other senior campus leaders can be unaware of the challenges students face and how these challenges can impact their success.

Are you prepared to support food and housing insecure students on your campus? In this on-demand webconference learn about four ways to strengthen your supports for these students:

  1. Reduce barriers that prevent students from accessing existing support services on campus and in the community
  2. Connect students in need with surplus campus resources, like leftover food
  3. Equip campus partners with the information they need to refer students to resources
  4. Create a mechanism to identify and support students experiencing extreme financial distress