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Navigate Private School Virtual Summit

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Join Us for a Two Day Virtual Summit for Navigate Private Schools

June 9

Summit attendees:

  • Heard from other private Navigate institutions about success, tips and tricks.
  • Networked with peers in small group breakout sessions
  • Learned how to implement the latest best practices and research insights from EAB

Introductions and Opening Remarks

Watch the recording of the session here.

Mental Health: Integrating Staff and Student Resiliency into Your Student Success Strategy: Part One - The State of Mental Health

Explore how a renewed focus on mental health support on campus can help ensure the success of students and staff in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.

Watch the recording of the session here.

Mental Health: Integrating Staff and Student Resiliency into Your Student Success Strategy â€“ Part Two

Explore how a renewed focus on mental health support on campus can help ensure the success of students and staff in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.

Watch the recording of the session here.

June 10

Partner Panel – Supporting Mental Health Priorities via Navigate

Hear directly from your peers about their specific tools and strategies.

Watch the recording of the session here.

Craft Your Mental Health Strategy

Using guided questions and templates, work in small groups to plan your next steps to begin positively impacting mental health at your institution.

Watch the recording of the session here.