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Online Education Strategy Guidelines On-Demand Webconference Series

Sunday, Dec 15, 2024

About this Webconference Series

As higher education institutions continue to feel financial pressure from declining or stagnating enrollment, they often look to online education to tap into new markets and adapt to the changing preferences of their existing student populations. However, despite growth in both the number of online and hybrid programs and student enrollments, misconceptions about the potential and limitations of these modalities persist. Many higher education leaders fail to understand segment-specific trends in student preferences while also maintaining some false assumptions about the financial and enrollment implications of online and hybrid learning.

As in the case of traditional education, online students are not a homogenous group and to remain competitive institutions need to tailor their offerings to the specific student population they hope to serve. Three core student populations, each with their own goals, preferences, and needs, benefit most from online and hybrid offerings and institutional leaders must create distinct strategies to serve them effectively.

Join us in this 4-part webconference series to dispel common myths about the financial and enrollment benefits of online and hybrid learning and how institutions can best serve three critical online student markets, namely multimodal undergraduates, professional graduate students, and adult degree completers.

Past Events In Series