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Maximizing Your Market Insights Analysis

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Learn from our experience helping hundreds of schools with their portfolios over the years and our research into everything from new program launch to rightsizing the portfolio and sunsetting when necessary. This session is best suited for Executives of Professional/ Continuing/ Online/Adult Education who have recently received a Market Insights analysis, or their designees.

About Our Past Event

So, you’ve received a Market Insights report… now what?

EAB partners receive over a thousand completed analyses a year, and they’re all an early step on what could be a long journey. Partners launching new programs, for example, often need two or more years to take a degree from idea to offering. In-between, there can be a tangle of campus committees and approvals, community outreach, curriculum development, marketing efforts, and more to navigate. And in some cases, the need for more research support. Keeping momentum after receiving your completed report can be a challenge.

Without momentum, however, you face a worse scenario: wasting valuable market intelligence and not accomplishing your original goals, whether they were to attract net-new enrollments by launching programs or to grow through the smartest portfolio investments.

Join our Market Insights experts and fellow project recipients to discuss next steps within your school, beyond its boundaries, and with EAB after receiving a Market Insights report. This session is valuable if you’ve received:

  • A Program Feasibility Study concluding a positive program outlook, but have lost traction among stakeholders to move forward to launch.
  •   A 360° Program Assessment with recommendations for program improvement, but the report’s been sitting on your shelf or in your inbox for months.
  •   A Market Opportunity Scan full of possible new program ideas, and you’re not sure where to focus your limited resources and time for further investigation and development.
  •    A Portfolio Health Check that surfaced programs well-positioned externally but underperforming enrollment expectations and in need of attention.
  • Any other Market Insights analysis that hasn’t yet led to action.

We’ll discuss common next steps following the different report types received as well as overcoming obstacles encountered across schools. Learn from our experience helping hundreds of schools with their portfolios over the years and our research into everything from new program launch to rightsizing the portfolio and sunsetting when necessary.

This session is best suited for Executives of Professional/ Continuing/ Online/Adult Education who have recently received a Market Insights analysis, or their designees. Registration for the session is limited to three attendees per institution.

  • Monday, July 11 | 3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. Eastern Time