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Meeting the Moment of Mega-Stealth Shopping

There are no more upcoming sessions for this event.

In 2022, leaders of professional, continuing, adult, and online education are facing many of the same challenges as they were five years ago, but with the temperature turned all the way up. Budgets are stagnant, pressure to deliver on enrollments is higher than ever, and rates of stealth shopping continue to climb. At the same time, volatility in the landscape means most institutions are more concerned with righting the ship than completely revamping their marketing strategy. As Gen Z becomes part of the adult learner audience, institutions need to understand widespread behavioral shifts to better reach and appeal to today’s audience.


This two-part virtual roundtable series explores four areas where leaders can focus their strategy as a way to negotiate this volatile moment across the pre-awareness and awareness phases of the marketing funnel.

This is the virtual debut of the session presented at our fall roundtables in Washington, DC.

Registration for each session is limited to two attendees per institution.

Part One
Cutting Through the Digital Noise
Strategies for Reaching Adult Learners in Today’s Crowded Market

Watch the on-demand recording on our YouTube channel.

Today’s prospects are bombarded with advertising messages, and with so much digital noise, it’s harder than ever to capture prospects’ attention. In 2023 and beyond, it’s imperative that institutions adapt their strategy to stand out against competitors In this roundtable, we will examine how institutions can cut through the noise by dialing up their storytelling efforts across platforms to share their unique brand identity and values. And, we’ll explore how institutions can step up their social media strategy and learn the rules of today’s social media game.

Part Two 
Reaching Today’s Stealth Shopper
Strategies to Communicate Your Value Proposition When Prospective Students Won’t Raise Their Hands

Watch the on-demand recording on our YouTube channel.

With professional, continuing, and online education units reporting up to 80% of applicants today are stealth applicants, it is more imperative than ever to provide prospective students clear and compelling program information that they can consume independently as they research their program options. In this virtual roundtable, we will examine ways to better leverage faculty expertise to inflect student choices about your program. And, we’ll explore what adult learners expect to find on program websites and how to improve your website to best serve the stealth shopper.

Experts associated with this event

EAB Experts

Michelle DiMenna

Associate Director

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