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Gary Guadagnolo

Senior Director, Research Growth Strategy

Gary Guadagnolo is a Senior Director in EAB’s research division. He specializes in operational and strategic issues facing higher education leaders and has helped institutions develop process improvement capabilities to find administrative efficiencies and stand up structures for ongoing conversations about academic program performance. Other research studies led by Gary have focused on everything from mitigating the risks associated with academic medical centers to managing the total cost of ownership of a campus’s physical plant.

Gary leverages his many years of experience as an academic researcher and instructor to help “translate” ideas between academic and administrative units on campus. Outside of the office, and true to his Texas roots, Gary (along with his hound dog) is always on the hunt for good hiking trails and BBQ.

Area of Expertise
Finance and Operations
Administrative Efficiency and Effectiveness, Cost Savings, Data and Analytics, Department and Program Review, Organizational Design, Process Improvement, Shared Services

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