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Serving English Language Learners Through Distance Learning

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Join us to learn ideas for your own English Language Learner strategy as schools shift to distance learning.

About the Webconference

Presenters: Michelle Berger and Dr. Lindsay Meeker

As schools shift to distance learning, teachers and administrators across the country are wondering how to ensure continuity of services for English Language Learners. Parents, teachers, and administrators fear that—absent robust supports—these students may fall behind. Administrators must also determine how best to support English Language specialists as they adapt to a remote environment. Dr. Lindsay Meeker, English Learner Program Director at Community Unit School District 200 (IL) shares her program’s multi-tiered strategy for supporting students and staff. CUSD 200’s approach emphasizes collaboration, reflection, and practical solutions grounded in the principles of language learning. In addition, EAB researchers shares resources and practices identified from innovative districts across the country.

Join us to learn ideas for your own English Language Learner strategy.