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How to spend CARES Act funding to support students with disabilities

The CARES Act promises more than 16 billion federal dollars to K-12 education. Districts should direct CARES Act resources to students with disabilities now to improve their learning outcomes and…

What do early indicators tell us about equity gaps in fall 2020?

How will COVID-19 shape equity gaps? Here's what four early indicators can tell us. Plus, see recommended responses for colleges and universities.
Research Report

Supporting accessibility in a remote learning environment

As campuses continue to operate in our new virtual reality, it is critically important that accessibility is at the forefront of online design and instruction, so that all students can…

Prioritize the IT Projects that Best Serve Your Institution

Demand for IT projects and services frequently exceeds the resources available to IT organizations. Discover how to clear out unproductive backlogs, rationalize the project intake process, and apply robust, standardized…
IT Strategy Advisory Services

How one community college launched a peer-to-peer financial advising program

Many community college students start classes without a clear idea of how to finance their education. Learn how Valencia College implemented a financial learning ambassadors program to provide financial literacy…

Inside Higher Ed’s News Editor on the COVID-19 Stories You Should Know

Paul Fain, news editor at Inside Higher Ed, joins EAB’s Carla Hickman to share the COVID-19 stories that have gotten the most attention, what that says about college and university…
Research Report

First-Year Experience Programming

First-year students face unique academic and social barriers during their transition to campus, which can hinder their retention. This resource profiles first-year experience (FYE) programs,including first-year seminars, living learning communities,…
Strategic Advisory Services
Research Report

Data-Driven Approaches to Sunsetting Technology

Leaders across campus—and sometimes IT staff themselves—are often reluctant to part with older, less efficient technologies and applications. This executive brief compiles best practice research to help IT leaders leverage…
IT Strategy Advisory Services

Assessing Optional and Non-Essential Academic Expenditures Pt. II

We discuss analyses to help institutions assess optional and non-essential academic expenditures, with a focus on optimizing units' mix of instructors and workloads in response to changing student demand.
Academic Performance Solutions

The demographic cliff is already here—and it’s about to get worse

With dire predictions for fall freshmen enrollments making headlines, colleges and universities are bracing for the financial shock to come. While many are hopeful that even a partial reopening of…
Enrollment Blog