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Develop a Student-Centered Academic Advising Model

Learn how advisors can use population health management and coordinated care to prioritize their time toward students with rising risk instead of only focusing on those with urgent, critical needs.
Strategic Advisory Services

Design a Shared Services Model That Reflects Campus Priorities

Shared services centers absorb administrative work from campus units to realize efficiency and quality improvements. Rather than adopting a one-size-fits-all model, institutions should create a shared services structure that strikes…
Strategic Advisory Services

Improving Alumni Participation

Alumni donor counts have been declining for years. Decreases in philanthropy nationwide, recent tax law changes, and growth in competition from other non-profits all complicate efforts to acquire and retain…
Advancement Advisory Services

Achieve Scale, Sustainability, and Impact in Principal Gifts

Big, bold principal gift proposals that address societal or global issues are critical to attracting donors in an increasingly competitive philanthropic landscape. Read this Roadmap for steps to source big…
Advancement Advisory Services

3 takeaways from our gathering of 900 student success leaders

900+ partners came together for three days of research, workshops, and networking at CONNECTED19. Explore three key themes from the event.

The alumni segment that gave at a nearly 2x greater rate at the College of Charleston

Advancement leaders are always hunting for cohorts of alumni who have the greatest likelihood to donate. But all too often, seemingly promising segmentation approaches don’t reveal actionable differences in giving…
Insight Paper

Evolving College Access Programs

A proliferation of college access programs fails to combat under-enrollment of underrepresented minority and low-income students. Discover how colleges and universities can increase the college-going rate of underrepresented populations through…
Strategic Advisory Services

What the Senate’s foreign interference report means for higher ed

Discover the implications the Senate's report on foreign interference could have for how universities monitor and support faculty-driven research.
Research Report

Rural Magnet Programs at the Secondary Level

Read this brief to learn how to effectively establish a magnet program in a rural community, and uncover enrollment and marketing approaches at profiled institutions.
District Leadership Forum
Research Report

Assess market ROI for an effective strategic enrollment management plan

Learn how community colleges can assess potential student segments to determine the ROI of enrollment efforts.