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Flashpoint Tabletop Case Study Compendium

This flashpoint tabletop case study compendium is built to prepare your institution’s key decision-makers to respond to various campus flashpoints.
Strategic Advisory Services

University Flashpoint Risk Register

EAB's University Flashpoint Risk Register allows universities to organize risks, track risk scoring, and prioritize responses.
Strategic Advisory Services

Flashpoints Communications Playbook

Access tools to help colleges and universities strengthen external and internal communications before, during, and after a campus flashpoint.
Strategic Advisory Services

Flashpoint Statement Checklist

EAB developed a peer-reviewed checklist that senior institutional leaders can use to defuse tensions and avoid errors when publicly responding to controversial flashpoints.
Strategic Advisory Services

Why districts should revise grading practices in the age of AI

Read this blog to learn three reasons equitable grading practices are essential today, and how to revise grading practices in the age of AI.
K-12 Blog

Consolidation in higher education on the rise? What campus leaders need to know.

Discover EAB survey findings on how institutions are addressing structural deficits, from M&A to consolidation in higher education.
Strategy Blog

Compendium of AI Applications in Higher Education

This compendium serves as a reference book of generative AI applications designed to help higher education leaders begin experimenting with and make informed decisions about AI investments.
Strategic Advisory Services

The transformative impact of women in higher education philanthropy

Understanding how women operate in philanthropy can change how institutions build and shape advancement priorities and strategies.
Advancement Blog

3 ways mental health is impacting college enrollment—and what you can do about it

Explore three challenges associated with mental health concerns and their implications for enrollment leaders.
Enrollment Blog

Findings from EAB’s Newest Survey of College Freshmen

Experts discuss findings from a new EAB survey of 18- and 19-year-olds that explores their college search behaviors and satisfaction with their college experience thus far.