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Higher Ed is reaching a turning point in institutional reckoning

EAB has launched a research initiative to support higher education leaders in their efforts toward institutional reckoning and racial healing. Our early conversations have revealed important lessons for institutions considering…
Higher Education Strategy Blog

Is Higher Ed Poised for Mass Consolidation?

Experts examine consolidation trends, different deal types, and the extent to which schools are successful at capturing synergies through mergers and acquisitions.
Research Report

Primary (K-2) Gifted and Talented Programs

This report explores districts’ primary (K-2) gifted and talented programs. Learn about districts' early identification methods, delivery of services and instruction, professional development opportunities, and evaluation plans to identify effective…
District Leadership Forum

Bolster mental health support for graduate students this fall

While many campuses have bolstered mental health support and promotion broadly in recent years, graduate students have too often been overlooked. Studies have shown that graduate students are six times…
Student Success Blog

10 tips to make your faculty recruitment website more candidate friendly

To attract a diverse range of faculty candidates, institutions must pitch not only the professional aspects but also the personal aspects of what it means to be welcome and included…
Strategic Advisory Services
Research Report

Components of Successful Teacher Induction Programs

This report profiles new teacher induction programs at four K-12 school districts. We've outlined strategies for induction program design in terms of structure, orientation and ongoing synchronous sessions, and mentorship.…
District Leadership Forum

How to structure your professional and adult education team to drive revenue

Here are three recommendations for strong organizational design that will help you drive revenue.

Is the recruitment funnel gone for good?

It has become abundantly that the old ways of describing recruitment as something linear, like a funnel, no longer capture the complexity of students’ college search experiences. Here are three…
Enrollment Blog

13 tools to elevate diversity in the faculty hiring process

Despite a diversifying student population, the racial demographics of the faculty at colleges and universities has remained largely unchanged. These tools will help search committee chairs and members implement DEIJ…
Strategic Advisory Services

Your School Isn’t Ready for the FAFSA Simplification Act

The FAFSA Simplification Act is coming on like a freight train and most schools aren’t ready. Our experts explain how to prepare.