Promote Teaching and Learning Strategies that Increase Course Completion
A growing body of research shows how changes to the classroom experience can measurably improve student learning, retention, graduation rates, and post-graduation outcomes. Large required courses with failure rates as high as 30-60% can create retention and time-to-degree issues for hundreds or even thousands of students at a single institution. Unfortunately, highly effective, engaging pedagogy remains the outlier in many programs, and faculty often lack the knowledge of student-centered course redesign.

Overcome common myths about why students fail courses
Though many course-level success factors are outside of an institution’s control, the design of the course, the pedagogy used, and classroom environment created by the instructor all have major effects on course completion. Some studies have shown that, even controlling for academic preparation, the most significant predictor of a student’s grade is their instructor.
To begin student-centered course redesign efforts, academic leaders must overcome common misconceptions about student course failure and identify how they can adapt to improve outcomes.

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