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Determine If Working with an Online Enablement Vendor is Right for Your Institution

Get the tools to understand potential partnership options, assess campus needs, evaluate vendor offerings, and structure and implement vendor partnerships.

Understand Your Target Market and Validate Student and Employer Demand

This section allows you to analyze your current online and hybrid education portfolio and evaluate the student and employer demand for programs of study.
Strategic Advisory Services
Resource Center

Online and Hybrid Education Resource Center

The Online and Hybrid Education Strategy Resource Center was developed to guide academic leaders through the process of developing and expanding their online learning offerings.
Strategic Advisory Services

How Shifts in Course Demand Impact the Liberal Arts

In this webconference, we take a closer look at the impact of majors, minors, general education, and transfer credits and how shifts in course enrollments can significantly affect arts and…

Mentoring and Advancement from Postdoc to Full Professor

In this webconference, we will discuss how to make sure that all faculty across the tenure ranks feel welcomed and invested in by the institution.

How Departments Make or Break Institutional Strategy

In this webconference, learn why narrowly focused program reviews and overly punitive program prioritization processes fail to capture the true role academic units and their leaders play in institutional mission…

3 Enrollment Metrics Every Department Chair Should Watch

In this webconference, discover 3 key analyses that help departments identify their specific niche in the institution's enrollment strategy, whether it is recruiting first-years or generating service credit hours.

The Future of Arts & Sciences

Join us in this 5-part webconference series to learn about the key drivers of shifting demand in the arts and sciences and how to engage faculty in program revitalization.

Diversifying International Student Populations

This webconference will examine the challenges inherent in international recruiting and the best practices for driving sustainable international growth.
Research Report

Why–and how–to build a sense of belonging on campus

Campuses often overlook the ways that academic structures can improve students’ sense of belonging on campus, in their majors, and in their classrooms.