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Disaggregating Data for Equity: How CSU Fullerton’s Advising Department Used Navigate Appointment Data to Translate Institutional Equity Goals Into Action

Across the past few years, schools in the CSU system have committed themselves to eliminating equity gaps across racial and economic demographics. As a result, CSU Fullerton’ Academic Advisement Center,…

Mistakes you might be making when marketing online programs

Here are a few of the mistakes your institution may be making when marketing to and recruiting online learners, and how to address them.
Adult Education Blog

Yielding the partnership pipeline

Many underrepresented minority students are inadequately prepared for higher education by high school graduation. This preparedness gap, which is greatly influenced by social inequities and other barriers, creates a pipeline…

Improving student retention through need-based scholarships

Low-income and working students, who are more likely to be students of color and first-generation students, are less likely to have the ability to pay the tuition and fees required,…

3 ways technology can help overcome financial barriers

Financial pressure is the top reason that students leave college. Learn 3 ways technology can help overcome financial barriers to student success.
Student Success Blog

Why the right time is now to invest in renewable energy production on my campus

A public university has two major operating revenues, if one of them doesn’t increase over time……well you get it. Budgets have been, and always will be in my experience, “tight.”…

Creating an internal DEI scorecard for best practices

These scorecards tend to provide to the public demographic data about the makeup of the student, faculty and staff populations as well as graduation and retention data that is disaggregated…

Hallmarks of an Anti-Racist Institution: The Behaviors and Actions that Promote Racial Justice in Education for Independent School Leaders

The national conversation about the impact of racism following the murder of George Floyd and others has created an urgency around the need for change.

Exploring the behaviors and actions that promote racial justice in K-12

Learn about each of the seven hallmarks of an anti-racist K-12 institution through the lives of four BIPOC community members in this interactive infographic.
Independent School Executive Forum

How to Combat 'Digital Sprawl' on Your Campus

Guests examine the proliferation of purpose-built applications and IT systems that have taken over college campuses and offer tips on ways to tame that beast through digital transformation.