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3 ways to help teachers and students get the most out of online learning

One director of technology provides guidance on the steps that CTOs can take to prepare, and how they can best support teachers, students, and families as they transition to online…

3 strategies to enable secure and productive learning online

Hear from one district three strategies with detailed guidance to accommodate teacher and student needs for online learning while keeping the network safe.
Data & Analytics Blog
Research Report

Implementing Quarterly Exams

As traditional assessment in the classroom begins to shift, we examined five school districts’ rationale behind their transition from established midterm and final exams to quarterly exams.
District Leadership Forum

Connect department chairs with budget officers to build engagement around financial data

The Planning and Budget Office at the University of Toronto regularly presents a combination of unit-level and institution-level financial data to chairs and deans in order to help them identify…
Higher Education Strategy Blog

5 actions boarding school leaders should consider when navigating COVID-19

With rapidly evolving recommendations for preventing the spread of COVID-19, heads of boarding schools are quickly making decisions going beyond those of the traditional K-12 institution. Read the expert insight…

How to exercise your strategic thinking muscles

Crafting a transformational vision and leading change on campus is not something that happens overnight—these skills take time and consistency to develop. Read our insight for three ways that community…

Future-Focused Scenario Planning

To move above transactional tasks and think strategically, cabinet members need to get above their day-to-day and develop new strategic thinking skills. Use multiple potential futures to think outside the…

Creating a College Affordability Academy

The college financing system is rarely transparent and easily understood by prospective students and their families, least of all by those most in need of this information—low-income and first-generation college…
Insight Paper

3 Timely Financial Aid Strategies to Reduce Student Stress

Learn how financial aid strategies like bursar hold forgiveness and emergency grants can eliminate financial stress for your students.
Strategic Advisory Services

Higher Ed Jargon Reduction

College and university webpages are often filled with higher education terms that are inaccessible to first-generation students. Discover tools to reduce higher ed jargon and simplify messages.