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A primer on public-private partnerships

A public-private partnership can be a new way to leverage alternative finance and delivery models in support of your school's broader mission, including addressing deferred maintenance and modernization needs.
Higher Education Strategy Blog

What contributes to rising college costs?

Many higher education institutions face increased public scrutiny around costs. In responding to critics, higher education leaders must not only bust myths about the high cost of campus amenities.
Research Report

3 Reasons Why You Need to Turn Up the Thermostat in the Summer

A chronic dependence on air conditioner can lead to high energy bills and lower employee productivity. Here are three reasons why you need to turn the thermostat up in the…
Strategic Advisory Services
Research Report

Incentivizing Faculty to Voluntarily Vacate Private Offices

Get faculty on board with a new approach to office space distribution by implementing an incentive program that encourages them to voluntarily vacate their private offices in favor of shared…
Strategic Advisory Services

Improving sustainability efforts with a green revolving fund

As institutions look for more opportunities to improve their sustainability efforts, green revolving funds like those at Harvard University provide the necessary investment to reduce utility consumption, waste removal, or…
Research Report

Selecting Core Performance Metrics

This report examines how business leaders can better identify unit performance gaps by focusing on six key considerations, which will allow them to enact more impactful actions when performance lags.
Research Report

Efficiency And Effectiveness Initiatives

Eliminate the need for an extensive external audit by self-diagnosing where the majority of potential savings lie and tactics to pursue them. Emulate the successes and avoid the mistakes of…
Strategic Advisory Services

Compendium of Budget Model Profiles

Explore this resource to compare different institutional budget models and determine industry-wide trends.
Strategic Advisory Services

Alternative Revenues in Higher Education

Access 200 individual alternative revenue ideas to identify additional revenue streams suitable to your institution's local culture and physical assets.

2 types of program cannibalization—and how to anticipate them

To effectively steward institutional resources, finance and academic leaders must consider how new academic program proposals will impact enrollments in existing programs. Learn about the two types of program cannibalization…