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Implementing Newly Released Features – Student Success

The last six months have been a busy time for Navigate360 releases. We've seen the introduction of Events, Message Templates, Pre-Appointment Surveys, Scheduled V3 Reports and more.

Navigate360 Product Update Webinar

Join leaders from Navigate360's Product Management & Development team as they share what new innovations and improvements are coming next in Navigate360. In addition, the team will highlight recent releases…
Research Report

2024 Voice of the Head of School Survey Executive Brief

Explore the results from EAB's 2024 Voice of the Head of School Survey and discover what 80+ leaders said about current independent school priorities, stakeholder relationships, and more.
Independent School Executive Forum

What the experience of today’s first-year students can teach us about recruitment

Review the results of EAB’s latest First-Year-Experience Survey, in which we asked over 12,500 current first-year students about their college search and experiences on campus thus far.
Enrollment Blog

Joseph Timanovsky

Joseph serves as an Associate Strategic Leader on the Research Partner Success Team at EAB. In this capacity, he is responsible for connecting Community & Technical College Strategic Advisory Services…
Associate Strategic Leader, Research Partner Success

Crafting Smart Graduate Enrollment Goals by Harnessing Data

Join your peers and EAB experts for a discussion of how to set attainable goals—and measure progress along the way.

Forage Promotional Toolkit for Navigate360 and Starfish Partners

Use the Forage promotional toolkit to help your students get started with free virtual job simulations to set them up for successful early careers.

Leveraging Analytics to Help Build Future-Ready Programs for Small Colleges and Universities

If you build it, they will come was the academic program planning approach in the early 2000s that many small colleges and universities are still leveraging today. A future of…

Flashpoint Debrief Guide

Use EAB's guide to set your team up for a productive debrief session, prepare questions to assess your flashpoint response, and plan next steps and areas to improve in the…
Strategic Advisory Services

Flashpoint Statement Checklist

EAB developed a peer-reviewed checklist that senior institutional leaders can use to defuse tensions and avoid errors when publicly responding to controversial flashpoints.
Strategic Advisory Services