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3 Tips to Combat Chronic Absenteeism

As schools work to help students catch up following historic slides in academic achievement, they’re facing a somewhat unexpected obstacle: A rise in chronic absenteeism.

Is ‘Gen P’ Ready for College?

This fall’s applicant cohort will be the first to have entered high school during the pandemic. Assessing their college readiness will be a challenge for admissions offices.
Inside Higher Ed

Australia and New Zealand Executive Roundtable Series

EAB presented research on key topics facing the sector and have ample time for peer-to-peer discussions. Explore takeaways and resources from the event.

Top Priorities for Community Colleges in 2024

EAB experts discuss major shifts that have affected community colleges over the past year and offer advice on the most critical areas of focus for 2024.

Why it’s so hard to find enough domestic leads for online graduate and adult programs

As global conditions continue to fluctuate, so will the state of international lead generation. Regardless of the future, bolstering your domestic lead generation efforts for your online programs will help…
Adult Education Blog

Breaking Down Barriers to College Access: Announcing Enroll360 Match’s New Partnership with PowerSchool Naviance®

Watch our on-demand webinar to learn more about Enroll360 Match’s partnership with PowerSchool Naviance®.



Campus 2030: Investing in Student-Centric Spaces to Elevate the Campus Experience

In this session, EAB will unpack how universities are responding to these growing student expectations to improve the student experience on campus across three space types: food and dining halls,…

Campus 2030: Redesigning Academic Classrooms and Libraries to Support Modern Instructional Needs

In this session, EAB will share the latest innovations and promising designs for classrooms, academic commons, and the infrastructure that supports them. This session is best suited for Chief Business…