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Six roles for faculty in student success

Faculty play a critical role in shaping the student experience, but they’re surprisingly absent from student success strategies. Our infographic outlines six ways that academic units and individual faculty members…
Strategic Advisory Services

Obstacles to international enrollment beyond the evening news

Since 2005 US institutions experienced unprecedented growth in their international student populations. Read our latest article to learn about the current obstacles to international enrollment.
Enrollment Blog
Research Report

4 design choices undermining new program success

Even if a program is launched in the right field or discipline, miscalculations in credential type, delivery, admissions process, and experience can deter students from applying and ultimately enrolling. Learn…

3 myths about online education

Despite a growth in both the number of online and hybrid programs and student enrollments, misconceptions about the potential and limitations of these modalities persist. Read on to learn about…

Two ways to integrate professional development into the liberal arts

Liberal arts graduates possess the soft skills necessary for management in abundance, but often lack the more technical skills or deep knowledge areas to find entry-level employment. Learn how two…

3 things community colleges get wrong about strategy—and how to get them right

Few campus activities in higher ed are more divisive than preparing for a new strategic planning process. Here are the three most common mistakes to avoid when it comes to…

Student engagement prevents dropouts. These schools prove it.

Learn how three community colleges improved student engagement to help promote student success and retention.

3 things teen parents need campus leaders to know

To shed more light onto the barriers student-parents face, EAB hosted a panel of Generation Hope Scholars at our recent student success summit, CONNECTED18, in October. See what these student-parents…

Guided Pathways is a seismic shift—here’s how to make sense of it

Guided Pathways is a seismic shift for community colleges—learn how to scale implementation using pre-existing data.

Why do fiscally conscientious students default on their loans?

Too many students default on their student loans, but it's not because they're poor money managers. Explore the reasons behind the high number of defaults and what community college leaders…