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Unlock New Ways to Engage the Prospective Athlete

Athletic departments are turning to new digital tools to scale their recruitment effort. A high-quality virtual tour provides an alternative way to engage prospective athletes.

Next Generation Academic Planning Migration Cohort

This cohort will consist of three webinars designed to familiarize institutions with Next Generation Academic Planning, understand their plans for template publishing and maintenance, and equip them with the information…

How to Solve the Data Activation Challenge at Your Institution

Experts offer a brief tutorial on how to organize, access, and extract useful insights from data trapped in your disparate campus IT systems.

Follow-Up Conversation: Your Role in Student Belonging and Coordinated Care

At the conclusion of the July 21st Executive Leadership Summit, many attendees voiced a desire to continue the conversation on student belonging and coordinated care. At this discussion, summit presenter…

Greenlight Equity Collaborative CBO Regional Summits

The CBO Regional Summits will virtually connect CBO leaders and Equity Collaborative members for thought-provoking dialogue and reflection.

6 Strategies to Tackle Your Admissions Office Staffing Challenges

In the face of so many challenges, enrollment leaders can feel paralyzed about next steps in tackling high turnover, low retention, and a wave of vacant positions. This infographic provides…

EAB survey confirms higher ed advancement talent crisis

Without a fully staffed shop, chief advancement officers risk not meeting yearly fundraising goals at a time of ever-increasing expectations. To understand the current talent crisis, EAB conducted a survey…
Advancement Blog

How to Make Your Institution More Transfer Friendly

Experts offer practical tips on ways to make your institution more transfer friendly.

3 ways to incorporate stackable credentials into your graduate programs

Read below for three ways institutions have successfully incorporated stackable credentials into their master’s programs—and provided the enrollment opportunities today’s graduate and adult learners seek.
Adult Education Blog

Manage divisive conversations and prevent flashpoints in your K-12 district

Superintendents today are forced to contend with frequent, divisive issues that turn into districtwide flashpoints. Use EAB’s decision-making framework to break down your district’s flashpoints.
K-12 District Leadership Blog