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Press Releases

See the latest press releases from EAB.

Forgiving students’ unpaid balances boosts persistence and revenue

Every term a small but noticeable share of students are blocked from registration or purged from their course schedules because of an unpaid bill. To help institutions triage their resources…

Lindsay Schappell

Lindsay is a Senior Strategic Leader on EAB’s Student Success Member Success team. In this role, she partners with institutions to drive impact and maximize opportunity through EAB’s Student Success…

Senior Strategic Leader, Student Success

Matt Mustard

Matt Mustard is a team lead and Senior Strategic Leader with EAB. Since joining the company in 2016, he has been part of the Student Success Collaborative (SSC) dedicated consultant…

Senior Director, Student Success
Research Report

Rural Magnet Programs at the Secondary Level

Read this brief to learn how to effectively establish a magnet program in a rural community, and uncover enrollment and marketing approaches at profiled institutions.
District Leadership Forum

Optimize Your Facilities Outsourcing Arrangements

While Facilities outsourcing is common among private companies, higher education’s different characteristics and goals make it impossible to directly apply lessons learned from the private sector.
Strategic Advisory Services

Enhance Your Capital Project Planning Process

While critical for modernizing campus for functional and aesthetic reasons, the process for determining which capital projects are funded—and which are not—is complex and politically fraught.
Strategic Advisory Services

Identify High-Potential Employer Partners and Plan Your Pitch

Successful institutions use data to identify high-potential partners and strategically plan their pitch around an employer’s specific needs.
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services
Research Report

Assess market ROI for an effective strategic enrollment management plan

Learn how community colleges can assess potential student segments to determine the ROI of enrollment efforts.

Build a Research-Focused Faculty Development Program

Many faculty are not provided the same training and support necessary for conducting research as they receive for teaching. Learn how Chief Research Officers can support faculty research by helping…
Strategic Advisory Services