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Research Report

Collaboration between Prospect Research Units and Frontline Fundraisers

This report describes aspects of the relationships between research and analytics units and frontline fundraisers, including organizational structures, services offered, and strategies for relationship improvement.
Research Report

Faculty Grant Writing Incentive and Support Programs

This brief profiles programs in place at research institutions that incentivize faculty members to pursue grant funding from private sources.
Research Report

Organizational Structures of Research Offices in Advancement

Examine organizational structures of research offices in advancement, including the differences in how institutions employ research staff in development today compared to 10 years ago.
Advancement Advisory Services

Integrating Academic and Career Development Toolkit

Explore this toolkit for four resources to develop experiential learning opportunities, encourage reflection, and enable assessment.
Strategic Advisory Services

The Instructional Capacity Playbook Webinar

This playbook details 14 best-practice strategies for responding to changes in the enrollment landscape.
Research Report

Smart Growth

Profiles smart growth strategies of top institutions that maximize their instructional capacity based on a thorough analysis of capacity, costs, and student demand at the level of academic programs and…
Strategic Advisory Services
Research Report

4 Initial Steps for Climbing the Carnegie Classification® Ranks

Institutions say that there are numerous benefits associated with obtaining a higher Carnegie® research designation. Learn about four ways to climb the Carnegie Classification® ranks.
Strategic Advisory Services
Research Report

Research Parks

This research project analyzes the structure, logistics, and assessment of research parks.
Research Report

Pre and Post Award Offices

Administrators employed the combination of the pre and post award offices to create more chances for staff to enhance their knowledge of sponsored programs to prepare them for more advanced…

Design a Summer Reading Camp

Strong summer programming can narrow the achievement gap in reading. This toolkit is designed to help districts attract and enroll students in summer programming who are struggling to read and…
District Leadership Forum