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Research Report

Tackling the Data Quality Challenge

Learn more about the most common data challenges higher ed institutions are facing and four key principles to guide data quality initiatives at any institution.
IT Strategy Advisory Services
Research Report

From Data To Decisions

This study provides 13 tactics to help IT leaders improve the usability of analytical resources and provide campus members with the skills and support to make data-informed decisions.
IT Strategy Advisory Services
Research Report

Ingraining Succession Planning in Higher Education IT

Review tips from current and former CIOs on workforce skill development and planning for organizational continuity.
IT Strategy Advisory Services

How to Launch an In-House Facilities Talent Development Program On-Demand Webconference

This on-demand webconference demonstrates how to develop, launch, and manage an apprenticeship or other talent development program.

Strategies to Tackle the Facilities Talent Crunch

This series details best practices for recruiting, upskilling, and retaining the Facilities workforce.

How to Advance the Impact of Facilities on Strategic Goals

Connect and publicize the impact of the facilities division on the strategic goals of other campus stakeholders.
Insight Paper

Supporting Parents of First-Generation Students

Parents are key influencers on college enrollment for all students, but the parents of first-generation students are less likely to expect their children to enroll in college than parents with…
Strategic Advisory Services

How to Maximize the Recruitment Value of Aid Packaging

When the Department of Education first announced the recent changes to FAFSA, enrollment managers and aid directors had to decide quickly whether to change their aid packaging timelines. This white…
Strategic Advisory Services

Enrollment Data Registry

The Enrollment Data Registry provides quick access to key IPEDS data, without the learning curve of the IPEDS interface.

What is a market-specific recruitment strategy?

See how Drake University uses different goals and strategies to recruit students in their primary, secondary, and tertiary enrollment markets.