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Research Report

The State of College and Careers

Helping students and families make sense of a complex and evolving landscape.
District Leadership Forum

Develop and Implement Schoolwide Expertise in Science-Based Reading Instruction On-Demand Webconference

This on-demand webconference focuses on building principal knowledge and teacher expertise and highlights ways to transfer practitioner knowledge into classroom action.

Prevent Misbehavior Through Early Intervention

This webinar will explore the frequency of disruptive behaviors and current approaches to address them, and then present strategies to prevent these behaviors from arising in the classroom.
Research Report

Instructing Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

This research brief examines instructional strategies and curricular resources to support students with significant cognitive disabilities.
District Leadership Forum
Research Report

Creating a Culture of Resilience and Wellness to Prevent Suicide

This report explores how districts develop initiatives and programs to improve student resilience.
District Leadership Forum
Research Report

Changing School Start Times

Districts choose to change school start times for a variety of reasons—the most common reasons we found were to support students and improve district transportation. This report examines how to…
District Leadership Forum
Research Report

Serving Students with Histories of Trauma

This brief explores interventions for students with behavioral concerns that stem from histories of trauma.
District Leadership Forum

Katie Kozicki

Before joining the team at EAB, Katie Kozicki worked for several years as a College Counselor at non-profit agencies first in Minneapolis, Minnesota and later in Brooklyn, New York, supporting…

Senior Strategic Leader, Student Success

Melissa Robertson

Melissa serves as an Associate Director on EAB’s Research Partner Engagement team, and is responsible for collaborating with research project leads to ensure that the outputs are designed to meet…

Associate Director, Partner Engagement