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3 key trends shaping higher education fundraising in 2022, backed by EAB’s data analysis

EAB identified three notable trends for higher education fundraising in an era defined by tight budgets and constant change.
Advancement Blog

How to Boost Graduate Enrollment

EAB experts discuss the best digital channels and strategies for finding, engaging, and enrolling more students to grow your graduate programs.

How Wichita State is Winning with Transfer Students

The Director of Transfer and Adult Recruitment at Wichita State University shares tips on ways to make your institution more transfer friendly.

Juliana Mosqueira Villegas

Juliana Mosqueira Villegas is a Research Associate at EAB on the Market Insights team. She conducts market research to identify opportunities for academic development in higher education and evaluate existing…
Research Associate
Research Report

4 Misconceptions About Employee Value Propositions that Every Campus Leader Needs to Confront

Campus leaders need a compelling employee value proposition to attract and retain top talent, given higher ed’s weaker competitive position on pay.
Strategic Advisory Services

IGNITED 2023 sneak peek: Key trends shaping higher education today

This blog previews key trends shaping higher education that will be shared with higher ed presidents, provosts, and CBOs at EAB IGNITED.
Higher Education Strategy Blog
Research Report

Piloting New Curricular Programs

Our K-12 research team reviewed literature regarding best practices for piloting new curricular programs and created recommendations for success.
District Leadership Forum

An Advancement Playbook for Today

In this session geared toward new fundraisers, participants will gain insight about the current and anticipated trends within the talent market for major gift officers.

Navigating Mid-Year Progress: A Roadmap to Close the Fiscal Year Strong

The beginning of a new calendar year marks a pivotal juncture for advancement leaders to assess how you are pacing toward your fundraising goals. Join us for a lively discussion…

Rapid Insight Deep Dive Webinar Series: On-Demand Materials

The Deep Dive Series is comprised of Rapid Insight user training videos. The series focuses on essential tips for successful use of Construct, Predict, and Bridge.
Rapid Insight