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What institutional leaders need to know about responding to campus flashpoints

To help you and you team respond to and prepare for campus flashpoints, we sat down with our student affairs colleagues to learn about some of the key findings from…
Student Success Blog

4 elements of an inclusive job ad

We poured over hundreds of faculty job postings to identify where the greatest opportunities to demonstrate a true commitment to faculty diversity and inclusion were.

Use the faculty interview to demonstrate an institutional commitment to diversity

We profiled two advanced institutions who are helping their faculty better answer candidate questions about the campus climate and demonstrate their commitment to inclusivity in the interview process.

6 principles for effective department evaluation based on institutional goals

We spoke with provosts and their teams at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and Southern Utah University and learned the six principles that make their annual reviews so effective.
Advancement Blog

Meet the 3 distinct student populations in the online market

Read our insight to learn more about the three critical student populations that EAB has identified in the online education market.

How 3 institutions are rethinking general education

Learn how three institutions are confronting the general education planning gap by adding new structures to their gen ed requirements.
Research Report

Four Components of Effective Sophomore Retention Efforts

Discover four components of an effective strategy to help students ease their transition during the second year.
Strategic Advisory Services

What is the most important story you’ll tell your students?

What's the most important story you’ll tell your students to inspire them to preserve and remind them that they're not alone? It may just be yours.

3 ways to ensure college credit for life experiences

Community college students often follow a non-linear path to graduation. Learn three ways to ensure credit for their professional, military, and life experiences, ultimately reducing their time to degree.

Why federal financial aid isn’t enough for college students

What’s more personal than money? The dollar bill, dinero, dough, or green—no matter what you call it, money (or the lack of it) can make your life great, manageable, or…