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How to fight chronic absenteeism? Target students, parents and teachers.

District-level strategies based on communication, empathy and relationships can help motivate all three groups to support attendance.
K-12 Dive

4 Tips to Keep Students’ Misbehavior From Sapping Up Class Time

With increasing pressure to catch students up academically, schools “can’t afford” another year plagued by disruptions caused by students’ worsening behavior, which can take a toll on teachers and all…

Report: Students Interested in HBCUs Have Unique Wants

Although HBCUs are more mainstream than ever, a new report from EAB, the educational consulting firm focused on enrollment management, student success, and institutional strategy, shows that the students who…
Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

Academic Alerts Are a Mixed Bag For Students

Lots of institutions have systems for informing students of their performance in class. New research indicates the positive effects of these “nudges” dwindle over the course of a semester.
Inside Higher Ed

Data Governance in Higher Ed is Critical. Here’s How to Achieve and Sustain It.

As data proliferates across the higher education landscape, colleges and universities find themselves in need of data governance policies that help them protect and effectively use the metrics they gather.…
EdTech Magazine

‘Pivotal moment’: Paine College announces 10-year transformation plan

The school will work with education consulting firm EAB, United Negro College Fund, Bank of America, Augusta National Golf Club and the Community Foundation for the Central Savannah River Area…
The Post and Courier

7 ways to improve your school’s discipline policies post-pandemic

With student mental health at an all-time low, district leaders must anticipate incidents of student misbehavior. One thing to consider, according to a new report, is whether your school's discipline…
District Administration

Student behavior remains concerning amid COVID’s impact, educators say

More than a year after the nation’s return to in-person learning saw a surge of disruptive behavior in schools, educators say students are still struggling to adjust to life back…

It’s Time to Disrupt Your Approach to Advising

Academic advising is a wicked problem for most colleges. Let’s stop pretending it’s not.
The Chronicle of Higher Education

Staffing Woes Continue at Community Colleges, Stalling Their Pandemic Recovery

Community colleges are still struggling to recover from the “Great Resignation” that hit higher ed during the pandemic — with persistent staffing shortages directly affecting students’ experiences.
The Chronicle of Higher Education