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How to Work with CBOs to Supercharge Your Recruiting Efforts

Experts share tips for working with community-based organizations to engage and enroll prospective students who may not appear on your recruiting radar.

4 takeaways on combatting faculty burnout from our gathering of academic leaders

Read four takeaways from EAB’s conversations with academic leaders on combatting faculty burnout and integrating a culture of well-being.
Higher Education Strategy Blog
Press Release

EAB’s Navigate Platform Now Supports Student Recruitment and Retention

EAB expands Navigate’s CRM capabilities to engage prospective students

Better CRM Tools Key to Reversing Enrollment Declines at CCs

Experts discuss ways to integrate CRM tools with student support and retention systems to help short-staffed admissions teams convert more student inquiries into successful students.

Accelerate your strategic goals with a chief of staff: the latest trend in independent schools

An independent school’s chief of staff can help heads effectively manage competing strategic priorities and lead their institution into the future.
K-12 District Leadership Blog

What 70+ higher ed leaders are saying about staff recruitment and retention in today’s competitive labor market

This blog identifies ways leaders can improve their staff recruitment and retention practices to compete in the current higher ed talent market.
Higher Education Strategy Blog

How to Recruit Adult Career Switchers

Experts explain how to recruit adult learners who are interested in graduate business degree programs that will help them switch careers.

The State of K-12 Staffing: Superintendents Report Nationwide Shortages in Hiring Qualified Candidates

Superintendents say their number one problem is staffing, particularly their ability to hire qualified candidates in our 2023 Voice of the Superintendent survey.
K-12 District Leadership Blog

The Next Decade in Student Mental Health and Wellness

During the roundtable, we will share developing trends, innovative tactics, and actionable strategies for leaders to consider as they think about bolstering campus mental health support across the next decade.…

Securing Competitive Advantage Amid Historic Staffing Shortages

This session will explore the evolving talent landscape in higher ed, future labor market threats that campus leaders must begin preparing for now, and the new table stakes for recruiting…